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Old 03-27-2007, 10:44 AM   #1
new world
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Interesting article about Brezhnev's Order of Victory

(Russian-English web translator sometimes gives interesting choice of words, so apology for weird English).

Recently 100 years from the date of a birth of the Secretary general of the Central Committee of the CPSU of L.I.Brezhnev were executed. Have differently concerned to this date in our society. In some part of mass-media there were clauses and the transfers devoted to this date. A number of authors tried to depict activity of this statesman objectively. The "democratic" camp, as a rule, did not burden itself with it, Here were retold a various sort байки about the "stagnant" period of our history, did not shun frank mockery and insinuations.

But in one opponents, in my opinion, converged. Both those and others well could not agree in any way, that on February, 20th, 1978 the Presidium of the Supreme body of USSR has published the Decree " About rewarding the Secretary general of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR, Chairman of Advice of Defense of the USSR of the marshal of Soviet Union Brezhneva L.I. an award "Victory". It was awarded, as is told in the Decree, for " the big contribution to a victory of Soviet people and its Armed forces to the Great Domestic war, outstanding merits in strengthening defensibility of the country, for development and consecutive realization of foreign policy of the world of the Soviet state, country reliably providing development in peace conditions ". The award has been handed over to it. However, many years were procrastinated the same thesis, that this rewarding contradicted the statute of an award. Especially furiously various sort antiadvisers have started talking about it to the beginning горбачевской reorganizations. And we " провозвестник new world thinking " on September, 21st, 1989 has published the Decree about a cancelling with this motivation of the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from February, 20th, 1978.

Probably, for the first time the Decree about rewarding, and, for such reason was cancelled. Really such big term (11 years was required!) to make out the specified discrepancy? Whether yes so this rewarding contradicts the statute of an award?

I have decided to not believe to this chorus and, that refers to, " to glance in the calendar ". And here that has as a result turned out. In advance I am sorry for vast extraction from various documents.

In Soviet Union questions of rewarding by the state awards, according to the Constitution, have been carried exclusively to prerogatives of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR. There was a main document which adjusted all without exception наградные questions - " General provisions on awards, medals and honorary titles of the USSR " (in the further - " General provisions... "). The presidium of the Supreme body of USSR established new awards, medals and honorary titles, approved statutes of awards and positions for medals and honorary titles.

And so, according to " to General provisions... " (Clause 3) of rewarding by awards and medals could be awarded:

- Citizens of the USSR;

- The enterprises, establishments, the organizations, military units, allied and autonomous republics...;

- The persons, not being citizens of the USSR...

Clause 6 established, that " the kind of the award is defined by character and a degree of merits awarded ".

The maximum military award of Soviet Union the award "Victory" is founded on November, 8th, 1943. The statute of this award is approved also.

In item 1 of the statute it is spoken, that it " awards persons of the maximum command structure of Red Army for successful carrying out of such fighting operations in scale of several or one front as a result of which conditions in favour of Red Army " radically varies.

What do we see? The statute did not limit rewarding by an award "Victory" to the period of Great Domestic war or any other time frameworks. Unlike Suvorov's award, for example. That, according to its statute, awarded commanders of Red Army for successes in management of armies, " therefore the victory over fights for the Native land in Domestic war has been reached ".

So, rewarding by an award "Victory" could be carried out on February, 20th, 1978. It first.

Secondly, by the moment of rewarding of L.I.Brezhnev held a post of Chairman of Advice of Defense of the country, that is concerned, speaking terms of times of war, to " the maximum command structure of Red Army ". And by time of rewarding, we shall notice further, L.I.Brezhnev 34 years consisted in the case of the maximum officers. In 1944 it has received a generalship. We shall recollect, besides, an indirect attribute. Important feature of its official position in 1978 was that at it permanently there were officers with well-known for " a nuclear small suitcase ". The signal from this device served direct - fatal - as the order for corresponding commanders of the Soviet Army. Thus, about " the maximum command structure " all is clear. Where above!

Further, thirdly, in the statute of an award "Victory" it is told, that with it are awarded for successful carrying out of such fighting operations as a result of which conditions in " advantage of Red Army " radically varies. Here it is necessary to talk more in detail.

From history it is known, that the era has begun with the Potsdam conference of 1945 of " nuclear diplomacy ". Here that it means. Former allies began to speak with Soviet Union from a position of force, in language of nuclear blackmail. Then they exclusively possessed the nuclear weapon. In many respects for intimidation of Soviet Union Americans two nuclear bombs to Japan have dumped. Military necessity for this step was not. Again, as after civil war, the capitalist world began to prepare for new attempt by fire to strangle socialist Soviet Union. In the fortieth years of the USA have accepted the doctrine of " the first impact ", i.e. sudden aggression against our country. In process of growth of the American arsenals these plans became more and more refined and destructive. Around of our state the network of the foreign military bases has been scattered, the accelerated rates increased power of military fleet of America and its allies. Nuclear bombardment of 20 Soviet cities was already planned, then this list already included 70, and then 100 cities. It was planned to burn to ashes for one reception 85 percent of the Soviet industry.
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Old 03-27-2007, 10:49 AM   #2
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By calculations of Americans for January, 1st, 1957 the United States had a quantitative advantage 10:1 on the nuclear weapon and an advancing on offensive and usual arms. Add here military forces of allies of America.

Around of us extreme conditions has been practically created. Military threat became for Soviet Union a constant factor.

Whether our country could react to it? Certainly, no! Still I.V.Stalin has not allowed to intimidate itself a nuclear bomb and has accepted emergency measures to acceleration of creation of the domestic nuclear weapon.

In these conditions the Communist party of Soviet Union has set the task to liquidate impunity of imperialistic threat.

In 1956 L.I.Brezhnev has been selected by the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. It was entrusted to it to supervise a defensive complex of the country.

We have been compelled to catch up with all time the first power of the West, in fact Americans constantly did ominous steps in race of arms. The historian and diplomat Georges Kennan in due time wrote: " we, Americans, continually went the first in development of the nuclear weapon ". It was echoed by well-known philosopher Bertran Russell in "Curriculum vitae": " Gradually I all more began to come to conclusion, that danger of nuclear war proceeds more likely from the United States, rather than from the Soviet Russia ".

For overcoming the strategic superiority of the USA and their allies efforts of all Soviet people have been concentrated. For it have been spent enormous intellectual, material and financial resources, unfortunately, to the detriment of fast rise of well-being of our people. On that and another simultaneously, certainly, there were no means. The international realities dictated the priorities.

The central Committee of a party constantly held in sight all these problems, and quite often directly prosecuted concrete military subjects. Then minister of defensive industry D.F frankly spoke about its role in October, 1957 on plenum of the Central Committee. Устинов: " the Role of our party, our Central Committee, Presidium of the Central Committee in construction of our armed forces is really huge... I do not know any example that this or that question which terribly touches our Armed forces and equipment of our armies, rose not the Central Committee of our party ".

Not one year step by step our country leveled the positions, answering on menacing preparations of the capitalist world. We have created a rocket-nuclear board of the country, have constructed modern ocean navy fleet, distances all necessary for air and overland armed forces. Power of our Soviet Army серьёзно has increased.

We witnesses, that struggle was conducted very tensely and in many directions, or as spoke during war, on many fronts.

And it was more joyful to that to meet appearing recognitions of our opponents. In September, 1970 the London International institute of strategic researches has notified: the USSR comes nearer to nuclear parity from the USA. And on February, 25th, 1971 Americans have heard by radio of a word of president Richard Nixon: " Today neither the United States, nor Soviet Union have no precise nuclear advantage ". Washington has officially recognized the developed balance of strategic forces of the USSR and the USA.

Now that's something like it!

Repeatedly then our opponents made serious efforts to break this balance and again to tower above Soviet Union. But on each such action there was a due counteraction.

Alignment of a parity of military forces between the USSR and the USA had far-reaching consequences. " The recognition Washington the USSR the equal USA great power, - was marked by one of figures of the American government of K.Sonnenfeld, - has occured only after it has shown the ability force to take the place ". The American management has been compelled to take a way of negotiations on сбалансированию, to restriction of rocket-nuclear potentials.

In 1975 the Helsinki meeting on safety and the cooperation, fixed indestructibility of the borders which have developed after war took place called under the initiative of the countries of socialist camp. The capitalist Europe in which almost all the countries anyhow were at war against us, has recognized results of our Victory. And in fact it in the different ways resisted to it three decades after the termination of war.

And so, dear readers, I dare to approve, that achievement of fatal strategic parity from the USA, a recognition and fastening of results of our Victory, grown out enormous efforts of Soviet people, руководимого Communist party in which chapter those years there was Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, have kept a quiet life to our people, and also have protected the world on the Earth. It to the full was that not smaller on heat and bitterness " fighting operation in scale of several or one front as a result of which conditions in favour of Red Army " has radically changed.

Also that is important, notice, - it is bloodless.

Leonid Ilicha Brezhnev's merits in strengthening defensibility of the country in the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from February, 20th, 1978 are estimated as "outstanding".
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Old 03-27-2007, 10:50 AM   #3
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Thus, the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from February, 20th, 1978 about rewarding L.I.Brezhnev by an award "Victory" and in this respect completely corresponds to the statute of this award. It is possible even to tell, that this rewarding originally crowned enormous self-denying work of Soviet people on creation of such conditions when war with Soviet Union became equivalent to suicide for the one who will begin it.

And, at last, fourthly. Gorbachev, publishing the Decree, has left a legal field. Procedures of the CANCELLING of decrees about rewarding in " General provisions... " It was not provided. There was a procedure of deprivation of the awards, more exhaustively described in clause 40: " Deprivation of an award, a medal of the USSR, a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union, a rank of the Hero of Socialist Work, a rank "Mother-heroine", honorary titles of the USSR can be made only by Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR in cases:

Condemnation награжденного for grave crime - on representation of court on the basis of and by way of, established by the legislation;

Fulfilment by the person of the offence discrediting it as награжденного - on representation of the body possessing the right of entering of representation about rewarding;

Deprivations награжденного citizenship of the USSR ".

What does it mean? It seems to me, even one infringement of this clause does горбачевский the decree wrongful. It is necessary to tell, that Gorbachev published this document including in the populist purposes. It knew, that the chorus of selling mass-media will support it and will generate corresponding public opinion among any part of our population. However ridiculously to see the person who has disorganized great power, in a role of the guarantor of the statute of any award of this power.

Practice, by the way, testifies, that statutes of awards were not fetters for Presidium of the Supreme body of USSR. It widely used rules of clauses 3 and 6 " General provisions... " . The state on advantage estimated character and a degree of merits awarded and defined a kind of the award. This main thing. We can find many examples when decrees about rewarding as if contradicted statutes of awards. For example, well-known Soviet gunmakers Грабин and Tokarev were gentlemen полководческого Suvorov's awards. And if to follow словоблудной Gorbachev's to logic it would be necessary to cancel at the same time in 1989, for example, decrees about their rewarding, about rewardings within war more than 1500 military units Suvorov's award, 1570 military units Kutuzov's award, 7 parts of Navy fleet Nakhimov's award and so on. Under the statutes these awards are intended for rewarding command structure of Armed forces. And rewardings of foreigners by an award "Victory"? Those never were commanders of our armies and the more so did not belong to " the maximum command structure of Red Army ".

It is assured, that a cancelling of rewarding in general, and the more so in 11 years as procedure would not pass ethical examination. The indicative facts results in clause of Century Пахомов (" the Soviet Russia ", 23.10.2003 years). Agreeing with Gorbachev's decree, it, nevertheless, writes, that " during post-war time there were owners of four awards of Glory though the statute similar did not provide ". Exclamation Further follows: " to not select one of four awards of Glory! ".

Certainly, during Great Domestic war Leonid Ilich Brezhnev though held a high post in army, but could not be compared to those opportunities which gentlemen of an award "Victory" of those years possessed. But when began to possess such opportunities, it has directed them on strengthening of defense of the country and maintenance of a peace life to all Soviet people. I shall not sin against true if I shall tell, that as we now see, L.I.Brezhnev was last head tempered by the front-line soldier who, not regretting the stomach, fought for honour, freedom and power of our great Native land.

Soldiers at the front dreamed, that any more there was no war. Together with them with such ideas general Brezhnev has finished war and the chief of political department of 4-th Ukrainian front, the commissioner summary a shelf of this front on the well-known Parade of the Victory. That generation has achieved it. The strategic parity has made war with Soviet Union unacceptable.

As if to Gorbachev in 1978 it was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the first secretary Stavropol крайкома parties and already packed suitcases for crossing to Moscow on a post of the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. We shall draw a hypothetical picture. It in fact could then as member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, possessing diploma of a faculty of law of the Moscow State University, to speak against rewarding L.I.Brezhnev by an award "Victory". Quite. But then, you will tell, probably would follow "оргвыводы" concerning Gorbachev. Probably. But I shall ask you, dear readers to estimate, from скольких misfortunes Soviet Union as a result of such "оргвыводов" would be relieved. Certainly, for the future of " the person of year ", " the person of decade " would not be squeals " Hunch, Hunch " in foreign cities and весях, there would be no Nobel Prize, ranks " the best German ", there would be no advertising a pizza.

The prospect of loss of such "prizes" as we now see, was for this purpose господинчика intolerable. It paid off with party and the country which it did not create for their reception and did not protect. For by did not stand.

It is necessary to understand, that Gorbachev the then decree has in essence spat in soul of generation which has transformed Soviet Union into the second superstate.

by M. Nazarenko, Alma-Ata
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Old 03-27-2007, 03:06 PM   #4
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I'm guessing that this article is drawing a parallel between the emptiness of Brezhnev's Order of Victory, and the end result of Gorbachev's perestroika?
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