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Old 07-02-2002, 04:10 PM   #1
Tal Inbar
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Official Slogans Of The Central Committee Of The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union.

Those slogans were approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union for the 60th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

I think every member of the forum could find something for his signature... The list was published in PRAVDA.


1. Long live the glorious 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!

2. Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution--the main event of the 20th century, the beginning of the worldwide historic turn of humanity away from capitalism and to socialism!

3. Long live Marxism-Leninism--the triumphant banner of Great October, the powerful ideological weapon of the workers of all nations in the struggle against imperialism, for the victory of socialism and communism!

4. Long live the Leninist Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the inspiration and organizer of the victorious October Revolution, the experienced avant-garde of the working class, of all the Soviet people in the struggle for communism!

5. Let live for centuries the name and work of Vladimir Ilych Lenin--the leader of the October Revolution, the creator and leader of the Communist Party and the first-in-the-world socialist government!

6. Let live forever in the people's memory the unparalleled achievement of the Leninist guard of October, the glorious Bolsheviks-Leninists, all those who fight for the victory of socialism!

7. Honor and praise to the historic Soviet people--the builders of communism, steadfast warriors for peace in the whole world!

8. Long live the heroic working class of the Soviet nation- -the leading force in the construction of communism!

9. Long live the glorious kolkhoz peasantry--active builders of communism!

10. Long live the Soviet national intelligentsia--active builders of communism!

11. Long live the indissoluble union of the working class, kolkhoz peasantry, and national intelligentsia! Strengthen the social-political and ideological unity of Soviet society!

12. Long live the indissoluble union of the Communist Party and the Soviet people--the source of further flourishing of socialist democracy, the guarantee of the complete triumph of communism!

13. Long live the fraternal friendship and the unshakable unity of the peoples of the USSR--a great achievement of October and the Leninist nationality policy of the CPSU!

14. Long live the Soviet Constitution, the basic law of the first- in-the-world people's socialist government!

15. Citizens of the Soviet Union--strictly adhere to the Constitution of the USSR, the Basic Law of our life.

16. Long live the Soviets of people's deputies, the political basis of the USSR! Increase the participation of workers, peasants, and the intelligentsia in the management of government!

17. Long live socialist democracy, guaranteeing genuine people's power and social justice!

18. Workers of the Soviet Union! Struggle to realize the decisions of the 25th Congress of the CPSU and the grand program of the 10th Five-Year Plan! Forward to new successes in the construction of communism!

19. Communists! Be in the avant-garde of the national struggle to fulfill the decisions of the 25th Congress of the CPSU, be active organizers and teachers of the masses!

20. Soviet trade unions! Expand even wider the socialist competition to raise productivity and the quality of work! Long live Soviet trade unions, the school of management, the school of economy, the school of communism!

21. Young men and women! Persistently educate yourselves in communist convictions! Learn to live, work, and struggle as Leninists, as communists!

22. Long live the Leninist komsomol, the reliable assistant and fighting reserve of the Communist Party, the vanguard of the young builders of communism!

23. Long live Soviet women, fervent patriots, active participants in the labor and social life! Honor and praise to mothers, warmly giving their hearts to the education of their children, the future builders of communism!

24. Long live the valiant Armed Forces of the USSR, standing on watch to guard the victories of October and the peaceful labor of the Soviet people!

25. Workers of the Soviet Union! Struggle for the successful completion of the plan in the anniversary year 1977! Persistently achieve the raising of productivity, the effectiveness of production, and the quality of work!

26. Praise to the leaders of production, achieving great successes in the socialist competition for early completion of the 10th Five- Year Plan!

27. Workers of industry! Struggle for the further development and strengthening of the industrial power of our Motherland! Widen the road of new techniques and progressive technologies!

28. Workers of industry! Staunchly struggle to increase production of high-quality consumer goods! Renew their assortment and more fully satisfy the needs of the Soviet people!

29. Construction workers! Build quickly, durably, economically, and on the basis of contemporary technology! Complete new sites on time!

30. Transport and communication workers! Develop and perfect the means of transport and communication! Improve by all means service to the national economy, more fully satisfy the needs of the Soviet people!

31. Workers of the Soviet Union! Actively fulfill the agrarian policy of the CPSU! Hasten the pace of the mechanization and chemicalization of agriculture and of land reclamation. Unflaggingly develop the specialization and concentration of production on the basis of interfarm cooperation and agro- industrial integration!

32. Agricultural workers! Raise the effectiveness of agricultural production! Make better use of land, technology, fertilizer, and all material resources!

33. Citizens of the Soviet Union! Make careful use of our nation's natural resources! Struggle for their preservation and growth!

34. Workers of trade and social nutrition, consumer services, and communal housing management! Bring into wider use progressive forms and methods of work! Struggle for a high level of culture in the servicing of the Soviet people!

35. Workers of government establishments! Perfect the styles and methods of apparatus work, strictly follow government discipline, raise responsibility and initiative, pay keen attention to the needs and requests of workers!

Last edited by CtahhR; 01-01-2013 at 02:47 AM.
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Old 07-02-2002, 04:12 PM   #2
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Part 2

36. Workers of the Soviet Union! Increase in all ways socialist labor discipline! Improve the organization of production! Conserve raw materials, fuel, electroenergy, metal, and other metals!

37. Workers of the Soviet Union! Fervently preserve and increase socialist property--the fruit of the collective labor of the people, the foundation of the development of all of society!

38. Workers of the national economy! Persistently elevate professional craftsmanship, master economic theory, and contemporary methods of management and direction! In production, make wider use of proper organization of labor, leading experience, and the most recent achievements of science and technology!

39. Engineers and technical workers! Rationalizers and inventors! Actively struggle to hasten scientific-technical progress!

40. Soviet scientists! Raise the effectiveness of scientific research, strengthen the connection between science and industry!

41. Activists of literature and art, cultural workers! Carry high the banner of the party and national character of Soviet art! Give your talent and craftsmanship to the service of the people, to the job of Communism, create works of art worthy of our great Motherland!

42. Workers of the people's education! Teach the growing generation in the spirit of the ideals of Communism, a responsible attitude to study and labor! Perfect the preparation of cadres for the national economy!

43. Workers of public health and physical culture! Improve the medical service to the people, more actively introduce physical culture into the daily life of the Soviet people!

44. Veterans of the Revolution, the war, and labor! Mentors of youth! Actively participate in the education of the young generation in the revolutionary, combat, and working traditions of the Soviet people!

45. Pioneers and school children! Fervently love the Soviet Motherland, persistently acquire knowledge and labor skills! Prepare yourselves to become active fighters for the task of Lenin, for Communism!

46. Fraternal greeting to the Communist and workers parties--unflinching fighters against imperialism and for peace, democracy, national independence and socialism! Strengthen the unity and close ties of Communists the world over on the unshakable basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism!

47. Long live proletarian internationalism--the tested and powerful weapon of the international working class!

48. Proletarians of all nations, unite!

49. Communists of Europe! Struggle to achieve the tasks put forth by the Berlin Conference of Communist and Workers Parties!

50. Fraternal greeting to the peoples of the socialist nations! Let develop and strengthen the peaceful system of socialism--the deciding force of the anti-imperialist struggle, the bulwark of peace, democracy, and social progress!

51. Long live the unity and close ties of the peoples of the nations of the socialist community! Let strengthen the indissoluble fighting union of the Communist parties of the socialist nations on the basis of the tested principles of Marxism- Leninism and proletarian internationalism!

52. Fraternal greeting to the heroic Vietnamese people! Let strengthen and flourish the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, an important advanced outpost of the forces of peace and socialism in southeast Asia!

53. Fraternal greeting to the courageous Laotian people! Let strengthen and flourish the Laotian People's Democratic Republic, starting on the path toward the construction of a socialist society!

54. Fraternal greeting to the working class of the capitalist nations--a selfless fighter against exploitation and the domination of monopolies and for the rights of all workers, for peace, democracy and socialism!

55. Warm greeting to the peoples who have tossed off the colonial chains and who are fighting for the strengthening of independence, for the progressive path of development, for the restructuring (perestroika) of international economic relations on a just, democratic basis!

56. Fraternal greeting to the peoples who have achieved liberation from the colonial yoke and who are carrying on a courageous struggle to strengthen national independence and social progress!

57. Warm greeting to the peoples of Africa, struggling against imperialism and racism, against all remnants of colonialism, and for freedom and national independence! Peoples of the world! Strengthen your support for the struggle of the peoples of Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa for the complete liquidation of racist regimes!

58. Warm greeting to the people of Latin America, carrying on a courageous struggle against the oppression of imperialist monopolies, against reaction and fascism, for free and independent development, for peace, democracy, and social progress!

59. Let strengthen the powerful, unbeatable union of the three basic revolutionary forces of our time--peaceful socialism, the international proletariat, and the national-liberation movement!

60. Fraternal greeting to the courageous fighters for people's freedom, democracy and socialism who are suffering in prisons and fascist walls! Communists and workers of all nations! More actively involve yourselves in the struggle to halt terror and repression! Freedom for the prisoners of imperialism and reaction!

61. Fraternal greeting to the working class, to all workers and democrats of Chile, carrying on a courageous struggle against fascist reaction! Peoples of the world! Strengthen the solidarity with the patriots of Chile! Freedom to all the prisoners of the fascists junta!

62. Peoples of the world! Strengthen the efforts in the struggle for the complete liquidation of the results of Israeli aggression, for the establishment of just peace for all the governments and peoples of the Mid East, against imperialist interference in the internal affairs of Arab nations! Strengthen and develop friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the Soviet Union and Arab nations!

63. Peoples of European nations! Persistently achieve full realization of the Final Act of the Common European Convention, turning Europe into a continent of peace, safety, cooperation, and social progress!

64. Warm greeting to the people of Cyprus, selflessly defending their independence from imperialist encroachment! Peoples of the world! Demand the expulsion of all foreign military forces from the territory of Cyprus and the respecting of its sovereignty and territorial integrity!

65. Warm greeting to the working class, communists, and all workers of Portugal, carrying on a selfless battle for the preservation and strengthening of democratic achievements, for freedom and independent development of their nation!

66. Warm greeting to the working class, communists, and all progressive forces of Spain, struggle for the democratic renewal of their nation, for its freedom and independent development!

67. Peoples of Asian nations! Struggle for the strengthening of peace, cooperation, and good neighbor relations, for the ensuring of safety in Asia on the basis of the joint efforts of the governments of the continent!

68. Peoples of the world! Struggle for the deepening of the lessening of international tension, for its expansion to all continents! Expose the efforts of the forces of aggression, revanchism, and reaction--enemies of peace and the peoples' defense! 69. Peoples of the world! Strive so that the unacceptability of the use of force becomes the law in international relations and nuclear weapons are forever banned! Strengthen the struggle to end the arms race and to achieve universal and complete disarmament!

70. Peoples of the world! Decisively speak out against the production of the neutron bomb! The design and production of new types of weapons of mass destruction must be halted!

71. Long live the Leninist foreign policy of the Soviet Union--the policy of peace and friendship of peoples, the unity of all forces struggling against imperialism, reaction and war! Strive for the complete realization of the program worked out at the 25th Congress of the CPSU for the further struggle for peace and international cooperation, for the freedom and independence of peoples!

72. Long live our great motherland--the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

73. Under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, under the leadership of the Communist Party--forward to new victories in the construction of communism!
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Old 07-02-2002, 06:35 PM   #3
Nota Bene
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Great find!

If I remember right those slogans were updated for every anniversary of the October Revolution.

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Old 07-02-2002, 06:38 PM   #4
Tal Inbar
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What could be new in the slogans? Every year the same thing... But, the commitee has to justify it's existance!

Long live the central commitee of the Party!!!!
Long live L O N G meetings! (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
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Old 07-02-2002, 06:57 PM   #5
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They were adding the new ones, removing the old, that were no longer up to day, and changing dates.

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