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Republic Of Cuba República De Cuba 1st January 1959 -

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Old 02-07-2008, 12:34 PM   #11
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ARTICLE 20. The merits or requirements for which the awards, honorific titles and distinctions will be awarded, are established in Law Decree No. 30, of December 10th, 1979 and in their corresponding statutes and regulations.

ARTICLE 21. According to Article 24 of Law No. 17, of June 28, 1978, proposals for awarding will be worked out according to the official proceeding model of proposals.

ARTICLE 22. Once the proposals have been formulated and the proceedings signed by the working center or company administration or by the chairman of the political, social or mass organization where the candidate belongs, works or serves and by the corresponding committee secretary, these will be sent to their superior instances for their approval or rejection.

ARTICLE 23. The analyzed and approved proposals by the instances referred in the latter article, will be raised, according to their subordination to the National Directorate of the political, social and mass organisms or organizations.

ARTICLE 24. Once approved and signed the proposals by the national instance, the ministers or chiefs of organisms of political, social and mass organizations, will remit them to the State Council, through the Section of Awards and Honorific Titles, according to the established in Articles 30 and 31 of the latter mentioned Law.

ARTICLE 25. When proposals recommend the awarding of a Honorific Title, as well as the proposals model, a detailed report of the candidate’s activities and merits will be attached, which will be signed by ministers or chiefs of organisms or national chairmen of political, social and mass organizations.

ARTICLE 26. The awarding proposals of awards and honorific titles which come from local organs of the Municipal People’s Power for workers who belong to entities having double subordination, will be classified by administrative directorates and raised to the provincial instance and from it to the National Directorate of the central organ or entity of the corresponding branch or sector, which, after approval, will send it to the State Council via Section of Awards and Honorific Titles.

ARTICLE 27. The awarding proposals of awards and honorific titles for workers of local organs of the People’s Power, whose activity has not a double subordination to a central (national) rank organism, will be sent by municipal instances to province ones and from these to the State Council via Section of Awards and Honorific Titles.

ARTICLE 28. The local organ of the People’s Power of the Youth Island will make its proposals in the same way, sending them directly to the central organism, or to the State Council via Section of Awards and Honorific Titles, depending on the case.

ARTICLE 29. The awarding proposals of awards, honorific titles and distinctions in the military, will be approved and signed, in each case, by the Chief of the Military Unit who due to their rank has powers, according to the dispositions established by the Ministers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and Internal Affairs.

ARTICLE 30. Awarding proposals of distinctions will be decided by organisms and organizations granted by the State Council to award them.

ARTICLE 31. Distinctions of the National Syndicates will be awarded by their executive secretariats together with ministers or chiefs of the organisms which rule the activity.

ARTICLE 32. When it comes to awarding of distinctions to workers subordinated only to the local organs of the People’s Power, the executive secretariats of the National Syndicates will award the m together with the President of the People’s Power Provincial Executive Committee to which it belongs.

ARTICLE 33. Political, social and mass organisms and organizations, for the elaboration of their proposals, together with the official model, will be able to request all necessary information from the different instances subordinated to them.

ARTICLE 34. Cuban citizens, in order to accept an award, honorific title or distinction awarded from a foreign country, must be previously authorized by the organism in which they serve.

ARTICLE 35. Political, social and mass organisms and organizations, will be able to suggest to other organism or entity candidate proposals for awarding of awards and honorific titles, which, according to the established in the respective statutes and regulations, only this one must propose.

ARTICLE 36. Sanctioned people because of criminal cause or being prosecuted by criminal causes which damage their public reputation, cannot be proposed for awarding.
If the fact takes place after the proposal, it will be declared null, specifying the motif.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:36 PM   #12
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ARTICLE 37. Political, social and mass organisms and organizations, as well as the associations related in Article 17, of Law No. 17, of June 28, 1978, will be able to propose the creation of new awards, honorific titles and distinctions when it becomes proper.

ARTICLE 38. Proposals for the creation of new awards, honorific titles and distinctions will be made according to the norms established in Articles 19, 20, 21 and 22 of the latter law.

ARTICLE 39. For effects of the established in incise c) of Article 21 of Law No. 17, badges of new orders, medals and distinctions proposed, will be adjusted to the following measures:

a) Orders will have a 40-45 mm diameter, generally, and in some cases until 50 mm;
b) Medals will have a 30-32 mm diameter and will be 2-3 mm thick;
c) Distinctions will have the same measures as medals;
d) Ribbons of orders will be 25 mm thick and will be displayed on pentagonal suspension. Upper and lower sides will be 25 mm and left and right sides will be 30 mm;
e) Ribbons of medals and distinctions will have pentagonal shape and will be 25 mm on each side;
f) Ribbon bars for awards and distinctions will be 25 mm long and 15 mm high, being slightly convex.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:37 PM   #13
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ARTICLE 40. The President of the State Council, their Vice-presidents will execute the imposition or awarding of honorific titles and awards.
The State Council, nevertheless the established on the last paragraph, will be able to quote that the imposition or awarding of decorations shall be done by ministers, organism chiefs, diplomatic representatives or national leaders of political, social and mass organizations and chiefs of large units, military units or other people designed by it.

ARTICLE 41. The awarding ceremony of distinctions will be done according to the will of executive secretariats of National Syndicates together with the ministers and chiefs of organisms when it is proper, or by chiefs of organisms and national leaders of political, social and mass organizations authorized by the State Council to award them.

ARTICLE 42. The imposition or awarding of awards, honorific titles and distinctions can take place at the Government, State organisms and organizations, national directorates of political, social and mass organizations’ headquarters, as well as in People’s Power’ Provincial and Municipal Executive Committees’ headquarters.
Imposition or awarding can also take place in industries, factories, farms, cooperatives and military units.

ARTICLE 43. Awarding ceremonies will be made in a solemn spirit, in order to show the high recognition the Cuban State and all the people gives for the attitude displayed of those who receive such recognition.

ARTICLE 44. Imposition or awarding of awards, honorific titles and distinctions will be done directly on the individual that will be awarded.

ARTICLE 45. In case of death or disappearance of an individual who will be awarded, the corresponding decoration will be given to whom the Articles 79 and 80 of these regulations specify.

ARTICLE 46. When an individual who will be awarded a decoration is ill, disabled or too old, the imposition or awarding of it can take place in his/her permanent or temporary residence.

ARTICLE 47. With the first decoration awarded to a citizen, an award card will be given, in which the next decorations he/she receives will be registered.

ARTICLE 48. People awarded an honorific title, as well as a proof diploma of the conferring of the title, an individual card will be given to him/her.

ARTICLE 49. When a city or town is awarded an award or honorific title, the original badge will be kept in the local headquarters of the People’s Power or in an established place.

ARTICLE 50. When an award is awarded to an organism, political, social or mass organization, economy or military unit, the original badge will be kept in its corresponding headquarters.

ARTICLE 51. According to the established in the two latter articles, together with the original badge, an amplified bronze copy will be given, and it will be displayed in the building’s façade or another established place.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:38 PM   #14
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ARTICLE 52. As well as the regulations established in Article 41 of Law No. 17, of June 28, 1978, Cuban citizens awarded an award, honorific title or distinction, have the following duties and obligations:

a) To carry out exemplarily the principles established in the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic;
b) To participate in the defense of our socialist homeland, as is the greatest honor and supreme duty of any citizen;
c) To be loyal to the internationalist principles;
d) To keep an exemplary attitude and conduct in the compliance of economical, political and social tasks;
e) To carry out, in all its rules and norms, the established on Law No. 17 and this Regulations, as well as the statutes and regulations of each award, honorific title and distinction.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:43 PM   #15
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ARTICLE 53. For the registry and control of awardees a card will be made, in which the main information of the awardee, award name and his/her file number, as well as the number and agreement date of the State Council which granted it.

ARTICLE 54. The card is the main control document of the awardee and it is registered in the permanent registry of the Section of Awards and Honorific Titles.

ARTICLE 55. The Section of Awards AND Honorific Titles will carry, as well as the registry and control card holder, the folder with the awardees’ proposal antecedents.

ARTICLE 56. In the national instance of the organisms, political, social and mass organizations, as well as in the provincial instance of the local organs of the People’s Power, an awardees’ registry and control card case will also be carried out, via organs of personnel, writing also in the personal files of the awardees their received awards’ data, honorific titles and distinctions.

ARTICLE 57. In the national premises of authorized political, social and mass organizations and organisms to award distinctions, proposals and awarding documents of them will be stored.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:46 PM   #16
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ARTICLE 58. Decorations and distinctions will be worn in solemn acts, congresses, meetings and sessions of the State’s supreme organs and those of political, social and mass organizations and in military parades.

ARTICLE 59. They will also be worn, because of celebration of patriotic dates, revolutionary or official acts, and specially during the following days:

a) January 1st, Anniversary of the Revolution, “Liberation’s Day”
b) February 24th,”Baire’s Cry”
c) April 16th, “Militiaman’s Day”
d) May 1st, “International Worker’s Day”
e) July 26th, “National Rebelliousness’ Day”
f) October 10th, “Demajagua’s Cry”
g) November 30th, “July 26th’ Uprising in Santiago de Cuba”
h) December 2th, “Granma’s Expeditionary Forces landing”, “Revolutionary Armed Forces Day”

ARTICLE 60. Members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and Ministry of Internal Affairs will also wear them in solemn acts determined by the Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces or the Minister of Internal Affairs.

ARTICLE 61. Cuban citizens awarded foreign countries’ decorations, will be able to use them in the dates and occasions indicated in the latter articles and will be adjusted to rules established in Law No. 17, of June 28, 1978 and in this regulations.

ARTICLE 62. Foreign citizens who are awarded a decoration or distinction from the Republic of Cuba, will wear them according to their own countries’ legislations.

ARTICLE 63. Awards and distinctions will be worn being dressed with the required formality, according to the date or act’s nature, preferably in suit, uniform or dress.

ARTICLE 64. The wear of awards and decorations in working clothes, shirts, robes, overalls, sport clothes, coats and capes is forbidden.

ARTICLE 65. Ribbon bars representing the badges or medals of awards and distinctions, will be worn substituting them, being dressed in the established way of Article 63.

ARTICLE 66. Members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and Ministry of Internal Affairs, will wear awards and distinctions, as well as their representation ribbon bars, according to the established in the dressing regulations of said organisms, adjusted to these regulations.

ARTICLE 67. Concerning order, wearing way and place which awards and distinctions will be worn, awardees will obey the following rules:

a) Orders, medals and distinctions that hang on suspension and those that have their ribbon bar fixed, will be attached on the left side of breast;
b) Orders, medals and distinctions which do not hang on suspension will be attached on the right side of the uniform, suit or dress’ breast;
c) Ribbon bars that represent awards and distinctions will be attached on the left side of breast.

ARTICLE 68. Orders and medals hanging on suspension and those which its ribbon bar is fixed, will be attached considering the following order:

a) Order “Jose Marti”, Order “Carlos Manuel de Cespedes” and Order “Playa Giron”, will have the highest level awards of the Republic of Cuba and will be worn according to the order in which they were awarded and will antecede other Orders.
b) Order “Lazaro Pena” 1st class, Order “Felix Varela” 1st class, Order “Julio Antonio Mella”, Order “Frank Pais”, Order “Ana Betancourt”, Order “Carlos J. Finlay”, Order “Juan Marinello”, Order “of Solidarity”, and Order “For Sport Merit”. All these orders will have the same hierarchy level.
c) Order “Lazaro Pena” 2nd class and Order “Felix Varela” 2nd class, will be worn following their corresponding First Class Order.
d) Order “Lazaro Pena” 3rd Class. All Third Class Orders will have the same hierarchy and will be worn following Second Class ones.
e) Medal “Antonio Maceo”, Medal “Calixto Garcia”, Medal “Ignacio Agramonte” 1st Class, Medal “Ignacio Agramonte” 2nd Class, Medal of“ The Independence”, Medal of “Emigration”, Medal “Jesus Menendez”, Medal “Combatant of the Liberation War”, Medal “Combatant of Clandestine Fight”, Medal “Abel Santamaria”, Medal “Jose Antonio Echeverria”, Medal “Ciro Redondo”, Medal “Osvaldo Herrera”, Medal “Eliseo Reyes”, Medal “Internationalist Combatant”, Medal “Combat Brotherhood”, Medal for “Frontiers’ Safeguarding”, Medal “for Interior order’s Protection”, Medal “for Bravery during Service”, Medal “Labor Feat”, Medal “of Friendship”, Medal “Romarico Cordero”, Medal “Cuban Red Cross”, Medal “Ignacio Agramonte” 3rd Class, Commemorative Medal “XX Anniversary of Revolutionary Armed Forces”, Medal “250th Anniversary of the Havana University” and Commemorative Medal “Victory of Playa Giron”, worn according to their classes, following Orders.

ARTICLE 69. According to the established in the latter article, Orders and Medals hanging on suspension and those which ribbon bar is fixed, will be attached in a line from up to down and along the bottom edge of the lapel, covering the two third parts of the first line.
The second line will be located under the first one, being the two third parts of the decorations’ body covered by the first line of decorations. A third or more lines will be displayed in the same way.

ARTICLE 70. Decorations worn in the left side of the (women’s) dress breast, will be attached horizontally from left to right and according to the established order in Article 68 of this regulation.

ARTICLE 71. Orders that do not hang on suspension will be attached according to the following order:

Order “Maximo Gomez” 1st and 2nd Class, Order “Antonio Maceo”, Order “Camilo Cienfuegos”, Order “Ernesto Che Guevara” 1st Class, Order “Mariana Grajales”, Order “Liberation War Combatant”, Order “Ernesto Che Guevara” 2nd Class and Order “Ernesto Che Guevara” 3rd Class.

ARTICLE 72. According to the established in the latter article, orders that do not hang on suspension will be attached in an up to down line starting from the lapel’s ledge and along it, being separated by 5 mm each.

ARTICLE 73. When two or more decorations of the same name and class or degree are received, they will be attached one following the other, according to the order in which they were awarded.

ARTICLE 74. Medals “Gold Star” and “Gold Star of Labor”, representing the honorific titles “Hero of the Republic of Cuba” and “Hero of Labor of the Republic of Cuba”, respectively, will be attached on the upper left part of the breast and over other decorations, at the lapel ledge’s height.

ARTICLE 75. All distinctions have the same hierarchy and will be attached in the left side of the breast according to the order they were awarded, and after Orders and Medals.

ARTICLE 76. According to the order of decorations established in Article 10 of Law Decree No. 30, of December 10th, 1979, ribbon bars will be attached in the left side of the breast, in metal backing or separately.

ARTICLE 77. In metal backing ribbon bars, ribbons representing awards and distinctions can be attached in rows of four, from right to left.
Ribbons which cannot be attached in a first metal backing bar, will be fixed in a second or more bars, that will be attached to the uniform, suit or dress, one under the other, one close to other, up to down, regarding the established order of precedence.

ARTICLE 78. Cuban citizens will wear foreign awards and their ribbons, after their national awards and distinctions, as the following:

a) Decorations hanging on a suspension and those that their ribbon bar is fixed, will be located in the left side of breast;
b) Decorations that do not hang on a suspension and do not have their ribbon bar fixed, will be attached on the right side of breast;
c) The ribbon bars of foreign decorations will be located after the national awards and decorations’ ones.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:48 PM   #17
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ARTICLE 79. In case of demise of an awardee, badges and documents of these, will be able to be kept as a memento, but without the right of being used or worn, of the following relatives:

a) the widow;
b) children 16 years or older;
c) the father or mother;
d) any other person that due to affective or family bonds, deserves to keep said badges and documents.

ARTICLE 80. Nevertheless the established in the latter Article, or when there are no relatives mentioned or these die, the State Council can stipulate that badges and documents have a different destination in order to keep them.

ARTICLE 81. According to the established in the latter article, in case of distinctions, the same rules will be applied by the corresponding organisms, organizations or entities.

ARTICLE 82. Badges and documents will be returned to the Section of Awards and Honorific Titles if none of the relatives mentioned in Article 79 exist.
When it comes to distinctions the same rules will be applied, but they will be returned to the entity or organization that had awarded them.

ARTICLE 83. The rules established for the awardee’s demise case, will also be applied whn it comes to missing awardees.

ARTICLE 84. The Section of Awards and Honorific Titles will be able to give in custody upon request of the political, social and mass organs, organisms and institutions, the orders and medals of deceased or missing awardees kept by it, when due to its historic value they shall be requested.

ARTICLE 85. When any of the political, social and mass organisms or organizations requests from one of the relatives said in article 79, the handing over of badges and documents of awards and distinctions, regarding their historic value and importance, will prevail over said relative’s mind, in use of the principle of willpower.

ARTICLE 86. Entities and organizations to which awards and decorations of a deceased awardee are handed over, are responsible for their keeping and safeguarding.

ARTICLE 87. According to the established in the corresponding statutes and regulations, the handing over of badges posthumously awarded will be done according to articles 79 and 80 of this regulation.
When the awardee dies before having received the decoration, the same proceeding will be applied.
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Last edited by Taz; 04-20-2008 at 03:22 AM.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:49 PM   #18
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ARTICLE 88. In case of loss or destruction of the badges of awards, honorific titles and distinction, a duplicate will not be handed over, unless they had been lost or destroyed during the awardee’s compliance of an official or combat mission or as result of a natural catastrophe.

ARTICLE 89. The duplicate application for awards and honorific titles will be resolved by the State Council. When it comes to distinctions, it will be resolved by the organisms and organizations that award them.

ARTICLE 90. The application will be made by the awardee, and in it, the award, the honorific title or distinction and the reason of loss or destruction, as well as the documents that certify it. The data of the awarding agreement will also be added.

ARTICLE 91. The formality of the duplicate application for the loss or destruction of awards, honorific titles and distinctions during the compliance of an official or combat mission or as result of a natural catastrophe, will be suitable:

a) His/her Military Unit headquarters, if the awardee is on active military duty;
b) The corresponding military committee, if the awardee belongs to the reserve military service or is a retiree, and was awarded in the military field;
c) The local organs of the People’s Power, political, social and mass organisms, organizations and institutions the awardee belongs to.

ARTICLE 92. The awardee must report in writing to the Section of Awards and Honorific Titles via the corresponding organisms and organizations, the loss or destruction of his/her awarded badges and documents. When it comes to distinctions, he/she must report it to the organism or organization which awarded it.

ARTICLE 93. When the badges of decorations and distinctions are lost or destroyed, the awardee keeps his/her right to wear their ribbon bars.

ARTICLE 94. Citizens who find lost badges or documents for awards, honorific titles or distinctions, must hand them over to the Revolutionary National Police units, that will manage to remit them to the Section of Awards and Honorific Titles.
Everybody's equal, But some more than others!
"Those who come to us with the sword - will be killed by the sword" - Alexander Nevski

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Old 02-07-2008, 12:50 PM   #19
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ARTICLE 95. The deprivation of the right to hold a honorific title and the wear of one or more awards and, in consequence, the quash of the awarding agreement, is a faculty of of the State Council, when one of the following circumstances occur:

a) Being sanctioned for a crime that makes the individual be publicly unworthy;
b) Observing noticeably, an incompatible conduct to the honor of holding the honorific title or award;
c) Disobeying at least one of the duties and obligations established in Law 17, of June 18, 1978 and these regulations.

ARTICLE 96. The deprivation application of an award or honorific title, will be made by the organism or organization that had made the proposal or the one the awardee belongs to by that moment.

ARTICLE 97. The local organs of the People’s Power, will follow the same proceedings for the deprivation proposals established in Articles 26, 27 and 28 of these regulations for awarding proposals.

ARTICLE 98. The deprivation of the right to wear a distinction will be faculty of the organism and organization that awarded it, following the established rules in Article 95 and following of these regulations.

ARTICLE 99. People whose right to wear an award or honorific title had been revoked, are obligated to return the badge and documents to the organism, organization or entity they belong to, having them sent by the organism or organization to the Section of Awards and Honorific Titles.

ARTICLE 100. The reestablishment of the right to wear an award, honorific title or distinction will be done according to the rules established in Articles 50 and 51 of Law No. 17 of June 28th, 1978.

ARTICLE 101. The badges and documents of the people whose right to wear them had been revoked, awarded by organisms of the State’s Central Administration or the national directorates of the social, political and mass organizations that awarded them, will be kept in their premises.
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Last edited by Taz; 04-20-2008 at 03:23 AM.
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:51 PM   #20
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ARTICLE 102. The State Council will be able to award other incentives to people who are awarded an award or honorific title.

ARTICLE 103. The cash incentives attached to awards and honorific titles will be afforded by the funds allocated by the State, or in the opportune decided way.
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Last edited by Taz; 04-20-2008 at 03:24 AM.
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