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Republic Of Cuba República De Cuba 1st January 1959 -

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Old 08-07-2006, 11:37 AM   #1
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Time for research!


Don't you think there is too little information on Cuban awards?

Are you interested in finding out details of the various Orders and medals of Cuba?

Well I certainly think its about time some serious research was done with regards to Cuban awards.
Any help with this would be much welcome, just post any info on Cuban awards in this thread, at a later date a new thread with the Order/medal name can be started.
Any images of Cuban awards that you have are also badly needed.
I've started a few new threads already with the higher orders, just add any new info in the relevant posts.

IN AS MUCH AS: The Playa Girón beaches were the scene of the first great defeat of Yankee imperialism in America, that also constituted the first battle under the flags of the Socialism in this continent.

IN AS MUCH AS: Main Protagonist of that transcendental victory was the Cuban town, and in her the men of the Moncada, the Granma, the Mountain range and the plains and in whichever battles they have fought later, in these more than forty years, to maintain the independence and the sovereignty of the Mother country.

IN AS MUCH AS: In our heroic town men stand out who have made extraordinary feats, the farmers who joined the Rebellious Army, or the ones that participated in the conduction of combative actions in Playa Girón or rear guard , and that throughout these years of fighting have maintained a worthy attitude in the defense of the Mother country, the conquests of the Revolution and the battle against imperialism.

THEREFORE: Summoned at the moment in history that today we commemorated, the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, in use of the attributions that are conferred to him and to proposal of his President and Head of Government has adopted the following.


FIRST: To grant the Honorary Title of “HERO OF the REPUBLIC OF CUBA” to the companions:

Ramiro Valdés Menéndez
Guillermo García Frías
José Ramón Fernández Álvarez
Sergio del Valle Jiménez
Pedro Miret Prieto
Julio Casas Regueiro
Joaquín Quintas Solá
Efigenio Ameijeiras Delgado
Antonio Enrique Lussón Batlle
Samuel Rodiles Planas
Raúl Menéndez Tomassevich

SECOND: Also, according to the established Law, next to the Honorary Title of “HERO OF the REPUBLIC OF CUBA” grants an Order, for the exploits of exceptional merit of the decorated ones.
In this case, the Order “PLAYA GIRON” is awarded to:

Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, Guillermo García Frías, Sergio del Valle Jiménez, Pedro Miret Prieto, Julio Casas Regueiro, Joaquín Quintas Solá, Efigenio Ameijeiras Delgado, Antonio Enrique Lussón Batlle, Samuel Rodiles Planas y Raúl Menéndez Tomassevich, and the Order "MAXIMO GOMEZ" Fist Classs to the companion Jose Ramon Fernandez Alvarez, who was already decorated with the Order “PLAYA GIRON”.

THIRD: That the awarding of the TITLE, as well as the imposition of the GOLD STAR that represents it and of the respective Orders takes place in a solemn act, at the scene of the victory reached around our town, on the occasion to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of this epic feat.

Creada por la Ley número 1239, de 2 de diciembre de 1972, la que se otorga a ciudadanos cubanos y extranjeros y a Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno por grandes hazañas a favor de la paz y la humanidad; por valiosos y extraordinarios aportes en la educación, la cultura, las ciencias y el deporte, así como por méritos extraordinarios y actitudes destacadas en el trabajo creador.
Order "Jose Martí"
Created by the Law number 1239, of 2 of December of 1972, the one that grants Cuban and foreign citizens and to Government or Chiefs of State by great feats in favuor of peace and humanity.

Orden "Lázaro Peña"
Se otorga a trabajadores cubanos y extranjeros, por extraordinarios méritos laborales; por importantes aportes realizados a la economía nacional o por una correcta y sostenida actitud ante el trabajo, ya sea en la industria, la agricultura, los servicios, la administración, la construcción, el transporte, las ciencias, las artes, la cultura o la técnica.

Order “Lázaro Peña”
One grants Cuban and foreign workers, by extraordinary labor merits by important contributions made to the economy national or by a correct one and maintained attitude before the work, or in the industry, agriculture, the services, the administration, the construction, the transport, sciences, the arts, the culture or the technique.

Orden "Juan Marinello"
Se otorga a ciudadanos cubanos o extranjeros, por haber realizado una actividad sostenida que constituya una contribución importante a la lucha ideológica de los pueblos y un aporte extraordinario para el desarrollo de la cultura artística, literaria y el periodismo.

Order “Juan Marinello”
One grants Cuban or foreign citizens, by to have made a maintained activity that constitutes an important contribution to the ideological fight of the towns and an extraordinary contribution for the development of the artistic culture, literary and the media.

Orden "Félix Varela"
Se otorga a ciudadanos cubanos y extranjeros y a colectivos culturales, en reconocimiento a aportes extraordinarios realizados a favor de los valores imperecederos de la cultura nacional y universal.

Order “Felix Varela”
It is granted to Cuban and foreign citizens and cultural groups, in recognition to made extraordinary contributions in favor of the imperecederos values of the national and universal culture.

Medalla "Trabajador Internacionalista"
Se otorga a trabajadores cubanos, que en el campo de la producción, los servicios, la ciencia, la técnica, la educación, la cultura, la salud y el deporte, hayan cumplido de forma ejemplar y abnegada misiones internacionalistas en solidaridad con otros pueblos hermanos y que hayan mantenido una actitud ejemplar y consecuente con los principios revolucionarios.

Internationalist “Working” medal
One grants Cuban workers, who in the field of the production, the services, science, the technique, the education, the culture, the health and the sport, have fulfilled of form exemplary and sacrificed internationalist missions in solidarity with other towns brothers and who have maintained an exemplary and consequent attitude with the revolutionary principles.

Medalla "Abel Santamaría"
Se otorga a jóvenes cubanos y extranjeros por su actitud revolucionaria y notables méritos alcanzados en el trabajo creador; en la cultura artística y literaria; en el deporte; en la lucha por las conquistas de la joven generación cubana o internacional y por práctica consecuente del internacionalismo proletario. Asimismo, en casos excepcionales, podrá otorgarse a otras personas por análogos motivos o que hayan contribuido de manera destacada a la formación integral de la joven generación.

Medal “Abel Santamaría”
One grants to Cuban and foreign young people by his revolutionary attitude and remarkable merits reached in the creative work,in the artistic and literary culture,in the sport, in the fight by the conquests of the young Cuban or international generation and by consequent practice of the proletarian internationalism. Also, in exceptional cases, it will be able to be granted to other people by analogous reasons or that they have contributed of outstanding way to the integral formation of the young generation.

Distinción "Raúl Gómez García"
Se otorga a trabajadores cubanos en reconocimiento a méritos alcanzados, durante veinticinco o más años en el sector de la cultura y hayan mantenido una actitud ejemplar y consecuente con los principios revolucionarios. Asimismo, en casos excepcionales, podrá otorgarse a otros trabajadores o a ciudadanos extranjeros que hayan contribuido de forma notable al desarrollo de este sector en nuestro país.

Distinction “Raul Gómez García"
It is granted to Cuban workers in recognition to merits reached, during twenty-five or more years in the sector of the culture and have maintained an exemplary and consequent attitude with the revolutionary principles. Also, in exceptional cases, it will be able to be granted to other workers or foreign citizens who have contributed of remarkable form to the development of this sector in our country.

Se otorga a ciudadanos cubanos y extranjeros en reconocimiento a méritos alcanzados y la labor realizada en el enriquecimiento de la cultura nacional y en la promoción del trabajo

Distinction "Por la Cultura Nacional"
Awarded for work made in the enrichment of the national culture and in the promotion of the work is granted to Cuban and foreign citizens in recognition to reached merits.

The law number 17, of 28 of June of 78, establishes the norms of the System of Decorations and Honorary Titles of the Republic of Cuba

Orden "González Lanuza", otorgada por el Colegio Nacional de Abogados.

Order “González Lanuza”, granted by the National School of Lawyers.

Distinción José Joaquín Palma, Unión de Periodistas de Cuba.

Distinction Jose Joaquin Palma, Union of Journalists of Cuba.

Orden "Félix Elmuza", Unión de Periodistas de Cuba.

Order “Felix Elmuza”, Union of Journalists of Cuba.
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Old 08-07-2006, 06:36 PM   #2
Rick Research
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EXCELLENT! This allows us to have some idea of the intended purpose of these obscure awards! Thanks!!!
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Old 08-10-2006, 07:59 PM   #3
Nota Bene
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I am still searching for pictures, and I am absolutely amazed at how little information there is about those Cuban awards :(

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Old 08-11-2006, 03:28 AM   #4
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Your not joking, this is a major task, the few interesting images i found were on a site about a famous ballerina belive it or not. There was actualy pics of some of her awards, Medalla "Alejo Carpentier", Distinción por la Cultura Nacional etc.
Others from actual awardings, Order "Jose Martí" and Medalla "Jésus Menendez"
The ribbon from the Medalla "Alejo Carpentier" is missing from Lukasz Gaszewski's site i sent him an e-mail with that pic, no reply yet probably landed in the spam bin.

National Award for Cultural Research

Established in 1999 by the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana "Juan Marinello" (“Juan Marinello” Center of Research and Development of Cuban Culture). It is conferred to Cuban researchers, alive and living in Cuba on behalf of his unquestionably worthy achievements in Cuban Culture.

National Award for Dancing

Established in 1998. It is conferred to most outstanding representatives of Cuban dance on behalf of his continuous work, and for having reached remarkable achievements in dancing.

National Film Award

Established in 2003. It is conferred to distinguish the work of Cuban directors, actors, actresses, scripwriters, musicians or cinematographers, alive and living in Cuba, who have made worthy achievements to cinematographic development in Cuba.

National Humour (comedy) Award

National Literature Award

Established in 1983 by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba. It is the most important award yearly conferred acknowledging the continuous work of a Cuban author, alive and living in Cuba.

National Music Award

Established in 1997. It is conferred to Cuban musicians, alive and living in Cuba on behalf of their work in creation and interpretation.

National Radio Award

Instiuted by the Cuban Broadcasting Institute (ICR-T) to acknowledge the lifetime work by creators, communicators, artists and technicians, who have worked in this media. The Radio Award began to be conferred in 2002, to those who have offered his best talents to audiences, for many long years.

National Award for Social Sciences

Established in 1995 by the Cuban Book Institute? and the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. It is conferred to reputed Cuban researchers and writers, alive and living in Cuba for contributing, with their continuous work, to the development of different subjects of Social Sciences.

National Television Award

Settled by the Cuban Broadcasting Institute (ICR-T) to acknowledge the lifetime work of creators, coomunicators, artists and technicians who have worked in this media. In 2003 this Award was conferred for the first time, and since then it has been granted to those who have offered their best talents to diverse audiences.

National Theatre Award

Established in 1999 to remark the most outstanding Cuban theatre ongoing. It is conferred to the most representative personalities of Cuban theatre for their continuous work.

National Award for Visual Arts

Established in 1994 aimed to acknowledge and classify, according to their relevance, the best Cuban visual artists. Every year it is conferred to a Cuban creator, alive and living in Cuba on behalf of his/her continuous work.

a well decorated cuban worker,

top right: Medalla "Jésus Menendez" , ????, Distinción "28 de Septiembre"

The middle medal on the top right is not in the ribbons list as far as i can see.

After many written e-mails with as of yet no response I was wondering if any forum member has the possibility of obtaining a copy of this Cuban document:

Sistema de Condecoraciones y Títulos Honoríficos de la República de Cuba (Decreto Ley No. 30 de 10/12/1979).

Any help is much appreciated, please e-mail or pm me with any results.
Thanks in advance.

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Old 08-12-2006, 03:23 PM   #5
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Orden "Carlos J. Finlay" & "Camilo Cienfuegos"

Awarded by the Cuban Council of State for outstanding contribution to the development and prestige of science in the country.

The ORDER "CAMILO CIENFUEGOS" is awarded to the members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in the active military service, in the reserve and retired, as well as to the military of friendly countries, for extraordinary merit in developing and accomplishing combat actions, in defense of the achievements and sovereignty of our socialist country.
Everybody's equal, But some more than others!
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Last edited by Taz; 04-06-2007 at 03:27 AM.
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Old 07-26-2007, 08:29 AM   #6
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Medalla "Calixto García"

The Medalla "Calixto García" seems to be a customs related medal in an article was described the awarding of this medal to the Director of a Docks and a Captain who contained and searched a boat with foreigners on board finding 50 boxes of Cuban cigars.

Other articles show this medal awarded for Civilian and Military valour.

Also awarded posthumously. It was given to the Cuban soldier Yoendris Gutiérrez Hernandez for thwarting three hijackers trying to enforce a flight into the U.S. The minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, General of the Army Raul Castro Ruiz awarded the medal to his parents.

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Last edited by Taz; 07-26-2007 at 10:51 AM.
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Old 08-02-2007, 10:51 AM   #7
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Distinción "Ñico López"

Distinción "Ñico López" (25 years of service in the oil and chemicals industry)

En el acto fueron estimulados con la distinción Ñico López varios trabajadores con 20 y 25 años de labor ininterrumpida.

Apparently this Medal can be awarded after 20 years service too.
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Old 08-02-2007, 12:41 PM   #8
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Distinción "Raúl Gómez García". No. 6701 por 25 años o más en el sector. CNTC. 1985. Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura, CUBA
Awarded by the the Ministry of Culture

I don't think the medal is numbered, maybe the award document.

Distinction "Red October" granted by the CTC (Central de Trabajadores de Cuba)
Red October Medal, no more info as yet.

Distinción "Elpidio Sosa González" por 20 y 25 años de servicio Hotelería y el Turismo.
Awarded by the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Hotelería y el Turismo.
National Workers Union of Hotels and Tourism.

"Medalla de la Alfabetización"

Awarded by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba.

Distinción "Marcos Martí"

Awarded by the National Union of Farming and Forestry, Sindicato Nacional Agropecuario y Forestales.

Medalla "Alfredo López".

Sindicato Nacional de la Prensa y el Libro (National union of the Press and Libro)

Medalla XXV Aniversario.
Awarded by the Banco Nacional de Cuba. (National bank of Cuba)

Distinción "Enrique Hart Dávalos".
Sindicato Nacional de los Trabadores de la Administración Pública.


Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Administración Pública
Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Forestales
sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Azucarera
Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de las Ciencias.(SNTC)
Sindicatos Nacional de Trabajadores Civiles de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias.
Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Gastronomía y el Comercio.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Comunicaciones.
Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción.
Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación y el Deporte.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Alimenticia.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Ligera.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de las Industrias Químico-Minero-Energéticas.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Marina Mercante, Puertos y Pesca.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos y Electrónicos.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Salud (SNTS)
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Tabacaleros
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Transporte.
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Hotelería y el Turismo

Orden "30 Años de Dedicación al Arte".
Sindicato Nacional de Artes y Espectáculos. (National union of Arts and Spectacles)

Medalla y Diploma de Honor.
Universidad de La Habana

Medalla y diploma de honor.
Universidad Central de Las Villas.

Medalla y diploma de honor
Dirección Nacional de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas

Medalla y diploma de honor.
Universidad de Oriente.

Distinción "Primero de Mayo".
Central de Trabajadores de Cuba.

Medalla y diploma "Doctor Honoris Causa en Arte".
Universidad de La Habana.

Distinción "XV Aniversario".
Consejo Nacional de Cultura

Medalla Conmemorativa del Bicentenario del Palacio de Gobierno y Casa Capitular.
Museo de la Ciudad de La Habana.

Medalla Conmemorativa XX Aniversario de la CUJAE" y Diploma de Reconocimiento. Instituto Superior Politécnico "José Antonio Echeverría".

Medalla Conmemorativa del 465 Aniversario de la fundación de la Ciudad de Baracoa.
Dirección Municipal de Cultura. Baracoa

Medalla "Fernando Ortíz".
Academia de Ciencias de Cuba.

Medalla "70 Aniversario".
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.

Orden "Jovellanos".
Asociación Asturiana de Cuba.

Medalla Conmemorativa por el desarrollo de la Cultura y la Promoción.
II Frente Oriental "Frank País".

Distinción "Majadahonda 1936".
Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC).

Medalla Aniversario.
Seguridad del Estado. Ministerio del Interior

Distinción "Teatro Sauto".
Teatro "Sauto".

Medalla "30 Aniversario" de los C.D.R.
Dirección Nacional de los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución.

Distinción "El Zarapico".
Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular. Santa Clara, Villa Clara

Medalla "30 Aniversario de la Caída en Combate del Cmdte.
Ernesto Che Guevara y sus compañeros".

Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC).

Medalla "35 Aniversario Miembro Fundador".
Escuela Nacional de Arte (E.N.A.).

Medalla "75 Aniversario".
Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (F.E.U.).

Distinción "La Giraldilla de La Habana".
Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular.

Distinción "Oshe Shangó".
Conjunto Folklórico Nacional

Medalla Conmemorativa.
Biblioteca Nacional.

Distinción "Mártires de Barbados".
Instituto Nacional de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación (I.N.D.E.R.).

Medalla Conmemorativa "6to. Congreso de la FEU".
Federación Estudiantil Universitaria.

Distinción "Benny Moré" .
Centro Provincial de la Música, La Habana
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Old 08-04-2007, 05:59 PM   #9
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Cuban Hero City

Santiago de Cuba , heroic city

Founded on the 25th July 1515 by Advanced Don Diego Vela'zquez. Only city on the Island of Cuba that has the honorary title of Hero of the Republic of Cuba and the Order Antonio Maceo Grajales. It symbolizes the spirit of fight of the Cubans in that phrase that distinguishes it: Rebel yesterday, hospitable today, heroic always
Everybody's equal, But some more than others!
"Those who come to us with the sword - will be killed by the sword" - Alexander Nevski

Last edited by Taz; 08-04-2007 at 06:01 PM.
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:29 AM   #10
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I know that that before 1990, cuban medals were made in East germany. Is it still the case ?
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