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United States Army NCO Sword with Leather Scabbard picture

United States Army NCO Sword with Leather Scabbard


Pre WWI German Officers Sword Metal Scabbard picture

Pre WWI German Officers Sword Metal Scabbard


U.S. Marine Corps NCO Ceremonial Dress Sword (Gold) W/Free Wall Stand picture

U.S. Marine Corps NCO Ceremonial Dress Sword (Gold) W/Free Wall Stand


mc lilley sword MDL 1872 light artillary picture

mc lilley sword MDL 1872 light artillary


Russian Imperial Army Infantry M1913 Officer Sword Repro picture

Russian Imperial Army Infantry M1913 Officer Sword Repro


Russian Imperial Dragoons Shashka Sword M1909 For Cadets Corps picture

Russian Imperial Dragoons Shashka Sword M1909 For Cadets Corps



40" Antique Style Civil War 1840 Heavy Calvary Saber Sword


WWI Model 1917 or M1941 USN Naval Boarding Cutlass Sword - US Navy - Klewang picture

WWI Model 1917 or M1941 USN Naval Boarding Cutlass Sword - US Navy - Klewang



38.75" Calvary CSA Shelby Officer Etched Tempered Sword with Leather Scabbard


Model 1840 United States Army NCO Sword with Leather Scabbard with wood stand picture

Model 1840 United States Army NCO Sword with Leather Scabbard with wood stand


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