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Old 03-19-2005, 05:17 AM   #1
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Here is an at least unusual award
The first one in my collection, a Partisan badge for the fighting in 1921
with document :)

Does anyone know anything more about this badge ?
Document seems to be issued in 1932 ? ( My Mongolian is a little poor)

Regards from Sweden
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File Type: jpg IMG_1590.JPG (47.5 KB, 65 views)
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Last edited by CtahhR; 04-15-2014 at 04:08 PM.
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Old 09-19-2005, 09:05 PM   #2
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As far as I know there are three Variations of this Badge:
- Screwback with S/N
- Screwback without S/N
- Pinback with S/N
(I don't know if there is a Pinback without S/N Variation)

Yours seems to be one of the Screwback variations, right?
Is it numbered? Sorry I didn't check the pic of your Doc before replying :o

According to my sources only about 400 soldiers participated on the Battle for the town of Altanbulag (?) against the Chinese.
Apparently only these soldiers were named as Partizans, but it seems that the Badge was only awarded in the early 40's. It's possible that not all 400 were still alive, so maybe less than 400 Badges awarded by then! I believe that the 1st Variation was the Screwback with S/N . The Pinback Variation was only awarded in the 60's it seems. Probably even less survivors were still alive then I guess.
So I guess this Badge is probably quite rare, specially with a Doc! Congrats!
By the way, as for the Docs, according to Dr. Battushig, on his book "Mongolian Orders, Medals & Badges", there are two types of Docs, one from 43 and another from 74. Yours seems definetely the 43 type.

I have two of these, Screwback without S/N and Pinback with S/N, but no Docs... :cry: (yet... :) )They are really nice indeed, a very interesting piece.

Hope it helps,

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Partizan Badge-pb-#420-b.JPG (23.4 KB, 14 views)
File Type: jpg Partizan Badge-pb-#420-f.JPG (28.3 KB, 14 views)
File Type: jpg Partizan Badge-sb-b.JPG (23.1 KB, 24 views)
File Type: jpg Partizan Badge-sb-f.JPG (31.6 KB, 14 views)

Last edited by CtahhR; 04-15-2014 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 09-20-2005, 05:48 AM   #3
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Partizans !

Wow ! Thanks Dolf for the info, I haven´t been able to find anything about this on the net so it was super that you got some info

My badge is of the later pinback style with number 155
the booklet is the 1943 type. ( I forgot about the start year in Mongolia so
iy is not issued 1932 as I thought)

Your screwback is Great !!

Best regards from sweden

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Old 12-17-2009, 10:35 AM   #4
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Re: Mongolian Army badges

Badge for Partisans of 1921

Awarded (as commemorative badges, from the 1940s onward?) to the 600 (or so) partisans who helped Sukhbaatar establish the MPR. How many would have survived to get these badges?

Battushig C05.

The note inside the front cover is a note of inheritance, by which the badge (and its privileges) are passed on to the widow (or other next-of-kin).

The priovileges are outlined in the award book (there are several varieties of book, in both bichig and Cyrillic):


On [date] the recipient of this booklet [name], born in [place], is recognised as an active particpant in the Sukhbaatar Partisan movement [?] in 1921 in the fight for the independence of the Mongolia People's Republic against foreign intervention and the feudalists.

For the honor of being a Partisan this booklet is given with other priviliges.

State Khurall, head of Partisan committee, [name]

Mongolian People's Republic 1921 Partisan Rule

1. The partisan's identification booklet will only be given to a participant in the 1921 Partisan movement from a State Khural partisan's committee.

2. To prove participation in active Partisan combat and in order to receive the booklet the Partisan must submit proof of actually having been a Partisan by providing documentary material or testimony by at least three people with whom he fought during the Partisan struggle.

3. The partisan's booklet must have a photo ID and should be only for personal use.

Privileges of Partisan

1. If the Partisan loses the ability to work when he gets old and does not have a caretaker, the government will be responsible to provide a pension.

2. On request of the Partisan he may present a request for the pension to the residential district authorities and from them to the State Khural.

3. A Partisan who does not receive a pension from government who experiences a sudden emergency will be able to receive a one-time payment of 600-1200 Tugrics.

4. Partisans residing in public apartments will have a 50% discount on monthly rent.

5. Partisans who are moving from the city to the countryside or from the countryside to the city will have the privilege of free transportation once a year; public transport in the city will also be free.

6. Partisans will be excused government tax.

7. After the death of the Partisan his family will have the privilege to apply for help from the government.

8. Partisans owning livestock will have a 20% reduction on livestock taxes.

9. Partisans will be served in expedited order in shops, hospitals, and public offices."

Tentative typology:

Type 1.1 (screwback, numbered); Low = ??/High = 37
Type 1.2 (screwback, unnumbered)
Type 2.1 (pinback, numbered); Low = 4/High = 574
Type 2.2 (pinback, numbered, made of recycled materials); Low = 77/High = 89

Working on a JOMSA article on these.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Par-2.jpg (80.5 KB, 8 views)
File Type: jpg Par-3.jpg (77.8 KB, 13 views)
File Type: jpg Par-4.jpg (83.9 KB, 18 views)

Last edited by medals73; 12-17-2009 at 10:42 AM.
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Old 04-15-2014, 03:36 PM   #5
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Re: 1921 Partisan Badge.

PM me the name of the documented partisan badge recipients and i will most likely be able to get you a multi page biography of the recipient.
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