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Republics Of The Soviet Union Awards and interesting items from the individual Soviet Republics (Союзных Республик СССР) 9th November 1917 - 25th December 1991.

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Old 03-10-2012, 05:50 AM   #1
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Meritorious Titles

Honorary Titles
in the USSR, a means by which the state and society acknowledge the achievements of outstanding citizens and groups.

Under the Constitution of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has the power to establish and award the following honorary titles of the USSR: Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero City, Hero Fortress, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, Mother-Heroine (established on July 8, 1944), People’s Artist of the USSR (performing arts; Sept. 6, 1936), People’s Architect of the USSR (Aug. 12, 1967), People’s Artist of the USSR (fine arts; July 16, 1943), Honored Military Pilot of the USSR (Jan. 26, 1965), Honored Military Navigator of the USSR (Jan. 26, 1965), Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (Aug. 14, 1958), Honored Test Navigator of the USSR (Aug. 14, 1958), Honored Pilot of the USSR (Sept. 30, 1965), and Honored Navigator of the USSR (Sept. 30, 1965).

Persons who receive the Lenin Prize or the State Prize in science and technology, literature, art, and architecture are awarded the title of laureate of these prizes. Honorary titles m the armed forces of the USSR include guards’ titles and military honorary designations. In some industries honorary titles are awarded to workers who have attained a high level of mastery; the titles are conferred by the appropriate ministries jointly with the central committee of their trade union and include the titles Honored Miner (Pochetnyi gorniak, Pochetnyi shakhter) and Honored Metallurgist. The model regulations for the kolkhoz adopted in 1969 provide for awarding the titles of Honored Kolkhoznik (Zasluzhennyi kolkhoznik) and Honorary Kolkhoznik (Pochetnyi kolkhoznlk). The Ministry of Culture of the USSR awards theaters and artistic groups the honorary title of academic. In sports two honorary titles are awarded by the Committee of Physical Culture and Sports under the USSR Council of Ministers: Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (established May 27, 1934) and Honored Coach of the USSR (Mar. 24, 1956).

Under the constitutions of the Union and autonomous republics, the establishment and awarding of honorary titles is within the competence of the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of these republics. The Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics have established and award the following honorary titles (group and individual):

Honored Accountant, established in the Georgian SSR (Jan. 9, 1968) and Armenian SSR (Mar. 15, 1972).

Honored Agricultural Worker, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 29, 1971), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1960), Georgian SSR (Nov. 16, 1970), Lithuanian SSR (Aug. 30, 1962), and Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965).

Honored Agronomist, established in the RSFSR (Jan. 28, 1954), Ukrainian SSR (Dec. 9, 1953), Uzbek SSR (Apr. 19, 1948), Kazakh SSR (Apr. 26, 1949), Georgian SSR (Nov. 28, 1953), Azerbaijan SSR (Dec. 10, 1951), Lithuanian SSR (Aug. 4, 1954), Moldavian SSR (Nov. 28, 1951), Latvian SSR (Jan. 22, 1954), Kirghiz SSR (Apr. 3, 1951), Tadzhik SSR (Jan. 15, 1951), Armenian SSR (Dec. 15, 1953), Turkmen SSR (Nov. 25, 1948), and Estonian SSR (Apr. 17, 1954).

Honored Animal Husbandry Expert, established in the RSFSR (June 16, 1949), Ukrainian SSR (May 19, 1949), Uzbek SSR (Mar. 18, 1971), Kazakh SSR (Aug. 4, 1947), Georgian SSR (May 5, 1949), Azerbaijan SSR (July 11, 1949), Lithuanian SSR (Aug. 13, 1949), Moldavian SSR (May 20, 1949), Latvian SSR (June 16, 1949), Kirghiz SSR (Dec. 8, 1947), Tadzhik SSR (July 6, 1949), Armenian SSR (May 26, 1949), Turkmen SSR (Nov. 25, 1948), and Estonian SSR (Nov. 4, 1949).
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:51 AM   #2
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Re: Honorary Titles

Honored Architect, established in the RSFSR (Mar. 7, 1968), Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (June 14, 1968), Uzbek SSR (Mar. 12, 1971), Kazakh SSR (Jan. 29, 1968), Georgian SSR (Oct. 10, 1967), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 29, 1969), Latvian SSR (July 25, 1968), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), Armenian SSR (Jan. 12, 1968), and Estonian SSR (Oct. 28, 1967).

Honored Artist (fine arts), established in the RSFSR (Sept. 10, 1960), Ukrainian SSR (Mar. 21, 1972), Georgian SSR (Apr. 24, 1961), Azerbaijan SSR (Apr. 15, 1964), Armenian SSR (Jan. 7, 1961), and Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Artist (performing arts), established in the RSFSR (Aug. 10, 1931), Ukrainian SSR (Jan. 13, 1934), Byelorussian SSR (June 4, 1940), Uzbek SSR (Feb. 16, 1940), Kazakh SSR (June 2, 1940), Georgian SSR (May 27, 1936), Azerbaijan SSR (July 28, 1928), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 26, 1941), Moldavian SSR (Mar. 14, 1941), Latvian SSR (Feb. 20, 1941), Kirghiz SSR (Jan. 10, 1939), Tadzhik SSR (Mar. 28, 1939), Armenian SSR (Oct. 23, 1931), Turkmen SSR (Feb. 28, 1940), and Estonian SSR (Mar. 31, 1941).

Honored Artistic Group, established in the Turkmen SSR (Nov. 5, 1965).

Honored Art Worker, established n the RSFSR (Aug. 10, 1931), Ukrainian SSR (Jan. 13, 1934), Byelorussian SSR (July 4, 1940), Uzbek SSR (June 28, 1961), Kazakh SSR (June 2, 1940), Georgian SSR (May 27, 1936), Azerbaijan SSR (Mar. 25, 1928), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 26, 1941), Moldavian SSR (Mar. 14, 1941), Latvian SSR (Feb. 20, 1941), Kirghiz SSR (Jan. 10, 1939), Tadzhik SSR (Mar. 28, 1939), Armenian SSR (Oct. 23, 1931), Turkmen SSR (Feb. 28, 1940), and Estonian SSR (Mar. 31, 1941).

Honored Builder, established in the RSFSR (July 6, 1961), Ukrainian SSR (Aug. 4, 1958), Byelorussian SSR (July 11, 1960), Uzbek SSR (Aug. 9, 1957), Kazakh SSR (Aug. 13, 1960), Georgian SSR (Apr. 25, 1967), Azerbaijan SSR (Apr. 18, 1959), Lithuanian SSR (Aug. 10, 1960), Moldavian SSR (Aug. 9, 1958), Latvian SSR (Aug. 13, 1960), Kirghiz SSR (Aug. 12, 1961), Tadzhik SSR (Oct. 8, 1958), Armenian SSR (Apr. 30, 1957), Turkmen SSR (Apr. 21, 1961), and Estonian SSR (Aug. 13, 1960).

Honored Carpet Maker, established in the Turkmen SSR (Dec. 21, 1943).

Honored Chemical Industry Worker, established in the Kazakh SSR (Sept. 18, 1964).

Honored Choral Group, established in the Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Coach, established in the Latvian SSR (Mar. 16, 1961).

Honored Communications Worker, established in the RSFSR (Apr. 21, 1972), Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (Dec. 15, 1965), Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1966), Kazakh SSR (June 30, 1965), Georgian SSR (Apr. 14, 1967), Azerbaijan SSR (July 16, 1965), Lithuanian SSR (May 24, 1967), Kirghiz SSR (Aug.27, 1965), Tadzhik SSR (Apr. 7, 1965), Armenian SSR (June 29, 1967), Turkmen SSR (Apr. 30, 1969), and Estonian SSR (Apr. 29, 1967).

Honored Cotton Grower, established in the Uzbek SSR (Dec. 24, 1963).

Honored Cultural Worker (Zasluzhennyi deiateV kuV tury), established in the Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 11, 1957), Latvian SSR (July 4, 1945), Armenian SSR (Mar. 7, 1967), and Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Cultural Worker (Zasluzhennyi rabotnik kul’tury), established in the RSFSR (May 26, 1964), Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 15, 1965), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 29, 1971), Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1966), Kazakh SSR (Jan 10, 1966), Georgian SSR (May 13, 1967), Azerbaijan SSR (Feb. 27, 1967), Moldavian SSR (May 5, 1958), Kirghiz SSR (May 15, 1968), Tadzhik SSR (Nov. 9, 1964), and Turkmen SSR (Mar. 24, 1958).

Honored Economic Rationalizer, established in the RSFSR (Apr. 20, 1961), Ukrainian SSR (May 17, 1960), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 9, 1959), Uzbek SSR (Dec. 8, 1959), Kazakh SSR (Jan. 12, 1960), Georgian SSR (Sept. 11, 1959), Azerbaijan SSR (Oct. 9, 1959), Lithuanian SSR (Sept. 9, 1960), Moldavian SSR (May 28, 1959), Latvian SSR (Aug. 16, 1960), Kirghiz SSR (May 26, 1960), Tadzhik SSR (Sept. 5, 1959), Armenian SSR (Mar. 7, 1960), Turkmen SSR (June 30, 1960), and Estonian SSR (Sept. 2, 1960).

Honored Economist, established in the Byelorussian SSR (Nov. 6, 1970), Uzbek SSR (Mar. 20, 1967), Kazakh SSR (Nov. 24, 1965), Georgian SSR (Aug. 23, 1961), Azerbaijan SSR (June 9, 1964), Lithuanian SSR (Oct. 28, 1964), Moldavian SSR (July 19, 1966), Latvian SSR (July 28, 1966), Kirghiz SSR (Aug. 22, 1966), Tadzhik SSR (Sept. 29, 1966), Armenian SSR (June 27, 1964), Turkmen SSR (Feb. 14, 1967), and Estonian SSR (Oct. 28, 1967).

Honored Engineer, established in the Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1966), Georgian SSR (Apr. 6, 1960), Azerbaijan SSR (Apr. 18, 1959), Lithuanian SSR (Jan. 17, 1962), Moldavian SSR (July 19, 1966), Tadzhik SSR (June 12, 1963), Armenian SSR (June 8, 1961), and Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Ensemble, established in the Georgian SSR (May 16, 1959), Armenian SSR (Nov. 25, 1950), and Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Farm Machine Operator, established in the RSFSR (Dec. 28, 1960), Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1966), Georgian SSR (Nov. 28, 1957), Azerbaijan SSR (June 6, 1957), Moldavian SSR (Oct. 27, 1955), Latvian SSR (May 6, 1963), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), Tadzhik SSR (Nov. 5, 1954), and Turkmen SSR (Nov. 2, 1948).

Honored Fisherman, established in the Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965), Turkmen SSR (July 22, 1966), and Estonian SSR (June 26, 1965).

Honored Forestry Expert, established in the RSFSR (Dec. 28, 1960), Ukrainian SSR (Dec. 4, 1958), Byelorussian SSR (Mar. 16, 1963), Uzbek SSR (Sept. 15, 1970), Kazakh SSR (Feb. 27, 1962), Georgian SSR (June 8, 1961), Azerbaijan SSR (May 14, 1959), Lithuanian SSR (Sept. 30, 1964), Moldavian SSR (May 26, 1960), Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965), Tadzhik SSR (Sept. 17, 1966), Armenian SSR (Jan. 7, 1961), Turkmen SSR (Oct. 6, 1971), and Estonian SSR (Jan. 29, 1966).

Honored Geological Explorer, established in the Turkmen SSR (July 29, 1964).

Honored Geologist, established in the RSFSR (May 21, 1970), Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Uzbek SSR (Dec. 23, 1965), Georgian SSR (Apr. 1, 1967), Latvian SSR (July 25, 1968), Tadzhik SSR (Dec. 10, 1962), and Armenian SSR (June 10, 1961).

Honored Geologist-Explorer, established in the Byelorussian SSR (July 22, 1968) and Kazakh SSR (Dec. 17, 1960).

Honored Group, established in the Georgian SSR (Feb. 28, 1968), Azerbaijan SSR (June 13, 1958), Moldavian SSR (Nov. 30, 1955), Latvian SSR (Feb. 9, 1956), and Armenian SSR (Apr. 13, 1963).

Honored Horticulturist, established in the Azerbaijan SSR (May 14, 1964).

Honored Hydraulic Engineer, established in the Kazakh SSR (Oct. 14, 1970).

Honored Industrial Worker, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 29, 1971), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1970), Georgian SSR (Nov. 16, 1970), Lithuanian SSR (Oct. 28, 1964), Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), and Estonian SSR (Aug. 25, 1967).

Honored Inventor, established in the RSFSR (Apr. 20, 1961), Ukrainian SSR (May 17, 1960), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 9, 1959), Uzbek SSR (Dec. 8, 1959), Kazakh SSR (Jan. 12, 1960), Georgian SSR (Sept. 11, 1959), Azerbaijan SSR (Oct. 9, 1959), Lithuanian SSR (Sept. 9, 1960), Moldavian SSR (May 28, 1959), Latvian SSR (Aug. 16, 1960), Kirghiz SSR (May 26, 1960), Tadzhik SSR (Sept. 5, 1959), Armenian SSR (Mar. 7, 1960), Turkmen SSR (June 30, 1960), and Estonian SSR (Sept. 2, 1960).

Honored Irrigator, established in the Uzbek SSR (Apr. 19, 1948), Azerbaijan SSR (Apr. 18, 1959), Kirghiz SSR (Apr. 3, 1951), Tadzhik SSR (Jan. 15, 1951), Armenian SSR (Apr. 30, 1957), and Turkmen SSR (Nov. 25, 1948).

Honored Journalist, established in the Georgian SSR (July 4, 1968), Lithuanian SSR (Dec. 30, 1966), Armenian SSR (May 2, 1971), and Estonian SSR (Sept. 10, 1966).

Honored Jurist, established in the RSFSR (June 20, 1966), Ukrainian SSR (Jan. 18, 1966), Byelorussian SSR (Jan. 31, 1966), Uzbek SSR (Jan. 28, 1966), Kazakh SSR (Dec. 15, 1966), Georgian SSR (June 28, 1963), Azerbaijan SSR (Jan. 28, 1966), Lithuanian SSR (May 26, 1965), Moldavian SSR (July 19, 1966), Latvian SSR (Feb. 26, 1966), Kirghiz SSR (Mar. 24, 1966), Tadzhik SSR (Jan. 29, 1966), Armenian SSR (May 15, 1965), Turkmen SSR (Mar. 16, 1966), and Estonian SSR (Apr. 28, 1966).

Honored Land Improvement Worker, established in the RSFSR (July 7, 1966), Ukrainian SSR (Aug. 25, 1966), Byelorussian SSR (Mar. 7, 1963), Georgian SSR (June 7, 1961), Lithuanian SSR (June 23, 1965), and Latvian SSR (Aug. 9, 1956).
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:52 AM   #3
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Re: Honorary Titles

Honored Land-use Surveyor, established in the RSFSR (Dec. 19, 1967), Uzbek SSR (Apr. 16, 1952), Kirghiz SSR (May 22, 1958), Tadzhik SSR (Nov. 5, 1954), and Turkmen SSR (Nov. 25, 1948).

Honored Librarian, established in the Georgian SSR (June 10, 1961) and Armenian SSR (Nov. 29, 1957).

Honored Livestock Breeder, established in the Uzbek SSR (Mar. 23, 1960) and Azerbaijan SSR (May 14, 1964).

Honored Machine Builder, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969).

Honored Master Craftsman, established in the Latvian SSR (Oct. 26, 1956).

Honored Master of Agriculture, established in the Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970).

Honored Master of Folk Art, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Dec. 3, 1958).

Honored Master of Livestock Breeding, established in the Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970).

Honored Master of Vocational-Technical Training, established in the RSFSR (July 18, 1956), Georgian SSR (Sept. 26, 1956), Azerbaijan SSR (Sept. 19, 1956), Lithuanian SSR (Oct. 9, 1956), Moldavian SSR (Oct. 31, 1956), Tadzhik SSR (Dec. 18, 1956), Armenian SSR (Oct. 31, 1956), Turkmen SSR (Sept. 21, 1956), and Estonian SSR (Oct. 27, 1956).

Honored Mechanization Expert, established in the Estonian SSR (Aug. 17, 1966).

Honored Metallurgist, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Feb. 6, 1958), Kazakh SSR (Feb. 3, 1961), and Azerbaijan SSR (Apr. 18, 1959).

Honored Miner (hard fuel; Zasluzhennyi shakhter), established in the RSFSR (Mar. 1, 1966), Ukrainian SSR (Feb. 6, 1958), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), and Estonian SSR (June 4, 1965).

Honored Miner (ore extraction ’, Zasluzhennyi gorniak), established in the Kazakh SSR (Feb. 3, 1961).

Honored Motor-transport Driver, established in the Tadzhik SSR (July 20, 1963).

Honored Oil Industry Worker, established in the Uzbek SSR (June 24, 1964), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 23, 1966), and Turkmen SSR (Feb. 19, 1964).

Honored Orchestra, established in the Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Pharmacist (Zasluihennyi farmatsevt), established in the Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1968), Kazakh SSR (May 12, 1965), and Tadzhik SSR (Oct. 13, 1965).

Honored Pharmacist (Zasluihennyi proviior), established in the Georgian SSR (Feb. 28, 1961) and Turkmen SSR (Mar. 27, 1968).

Honored Physician, established in the RSFSR (Jan. 11, 1940), Ukrainian SSR (May 4, 1940), Byelorussian SSR (July 4, 1940), Uzbek SSR (Feb. 16, 1940), Kazakh SSR (June 2, 1940), Georgian SSR (Feb. 15, 1940), Azerbaijan SSR (Feb. 28, 1940), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 26, 1941), Moldavian SSR (Mar. 14, 1941), Latvian SSR (Feb. 20, 1941), Kirghiz SSR (Apr. 14, 1940), Tadzhik SSR (Apr. 28, 1940), Armenian SSR (Mar. 2, 1940), Turkmen SSR (Feb. 28, 1940), and Estonian SSR (Mar. 31, 1941).

Honored Power Industry Worker, established in the RSFSR (Dec. 11, 1970), Ukrainian SSR (Dec. 16, 1960), Byelorussian SSR (Dec. 24, 1970), Uzbek SSR (Dec. 21, 1970), Kazakh SSR (Dec. 22, 1966), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), Tadzhik SSR (Dec. 30, 1966), Armenian SSR (Feb. 29, 1968), Turkmen SSR (Jan. 5, 1970), and Estonian SSR (Oct. 28, 1967).

Honored Printer, established in the Azerbaijan SSR (Oct. 20, 1966), Latvian SSR (Mar. 6, 1948), and Estonian SSR (Dec. 15, 1965).

Honored Road Builder, established in the Tadzhik SSR (July 20, 1963).

Honored Schoolteacher, established in the RSFSR (Jan. 11, 1940), Moldavian SSR (Mar. 14, 1941), Tadzhik SSR (Apr. 28, 1940), and Turkmen SSR (Feb. 28, 1940).

Honored Scientist, established in the RSFSR (Aug. 10, 1931), Ukrainian SSR (Jan. 13, 1934), Byelorussian SSR (July 4, 1940), Uzbek SSR (Feb. 29, 1964), Kazakh SSR (June 2, 1940), Georgian SSR (May 27, 1936), Azerbaijan SSR (Mar. 25, 1928), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 26, 1941), Moldavian SSR (Mar. 14, 1941), Latvian SSR (Feb. 20, 1941), Kirghiz SSR (Dec. 17, 1940), Tadzhik SSR (Mar. 28, 1939), Armenian SSR (Oct. 23, 1931), Turkmen SSR (Feb. 28, 1940), and Estonian SSR (Mar. 31, 1941).

Honored Sheep Breeder, established in the Azerbaijan SSR (May 14, 1964).

Honored Teacher (Zasluihennyi prepodavateV), established in the Latvian SSR (Nov. 29, 1963).

Honored Teacher (Zasluihennyi uchitel’), established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (June 13, 1966), Uzbek SSR (Feb. 16, 1940), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1970), Georgian SSR (June 13, 1967), Azerbaijan SSR (Apr. 18, 1959), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 26, 1941), Latvian SSR (Feb. 20, 1941), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), Armenian SSR (June 12, 1958), and Estonian SSR (June 24, 1961).

Honored Teacher in Vocational-Technical Training, established in the RSFSR (July 18, 1956), Georgian SSR (Sept. 26, 1956), Lithuanian SSR (Oct. 9, 1956), Moldavian SSR (Oct. 31, 1956), Armenian SSR (Oct. 31, 1956), Turkmen SSR (Sept. 21, 1956), and Estonian SSR (Oct. 27, 1956).

Honored Transport Worker, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 29, 1971), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1970), Georgian SSR (Nov. 16, 1970), Lithuanian SSR (May 26, 1965), Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965), Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970), Armenian SSR (Oct. 7, 1970), and Estonian SSR (Sept. 28, 1966).

Honored Veterinarian, established in the RSFSR (June 16, 1949), Uzbek SSR (Mar. 18, 1971), Kazakh SSR (Aug. 4, 1947), Georgian SSR (May 5, 1949), Azerbaijan SSR (July 11, 1949), Lithuanian SSR (Aug. 13, 1949), Moldavian SSR (May 20, 1949), Latvian SSR (June 16, 1949), Kirghiz SSR (Dec. 8, 1947), Tadzhik SSR (July 6, 1949), Armenian SSR (May 26, 1949), Turkmen SSR (Nov. 25, 1948), and Estonian SSR (Nov. 4, 1949).

Honored Winegrower, established in the Georgian SSR (June 5, 1961) and Moldavian SSR (Nov. 29, 1957).

Honored Worker in Communications, established in the Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965).

Honored Worker in Consumer Services, established in the Georgian SSR (Sept. 20, 1967) and Estonian SSR (Jan. 25, 1967).

Honored Worker in Consumer Services for the Population, established in the Byelorussian SSR (May 6, 1970), Latvian SSR (May 29, 1969), and Armenian SSR (Mar. 27, 1968).

Honored Worker in Culture and Education, established in the Lithuanian SSR (July 11, 1960).

Honored Worker in Geology, established in the Lithuanian SSR (Feb. 26, 1969).

Honored Worker in Health Service, established in the Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 29, 1971), Lithuanian SSR (June 24, 1964), and Latvian SSR (Apr. 27, 1972).

Honored Worker in Higher Education, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Byelorussian SSR (Oct. 29, 1971), and Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1970).

Honored Worker in Motor Transport, established in the Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1966).

Honored Worker in Motor Transport and Highway Engineering, established in the Turkmen SSR (Sept. 23, 1969).

Honored Worker in Physical Culture, established in the Byelorussian SSR (Jan. 24, 1967).

Honored Worker in Physical Culture and Sports, established in the Georgian SSR (July 21, 1961), Azerbaijan SSR (Mar. 26, 1962), Lithuanian SSR (Feb. 7, 1962), Moldavian SSR (July 19, 1966), Latvian SSR (Feb. 19, 1965), and Armenian SSR (Dec. 3, 1965).

Honored Worker in Science and Technology, established in the RSFSR (Aug. 10, 1931), Byelorussian SSR (July 4, 1940), Uzbek SSR (Feb. 16, 1940), Georgian SSR (Apr. 25, 1940), Azerbaijan SSR (Mar. 25, 1928), Lithuanian SSR (Apr. 26, 1941), Moldavian SSR (Mar. 14, 1941), Latvian SSR (Feb. 20, 1941), Tadzhik SSR (Mar. 28, 1939), Armenian SSR (Oct. 23, 1931), and Turkmen SSR (Feb. 28, 1940).

Honored Worker in Services for Consumers, established in the Ukrainian SSR (Oct. 10, 1969), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1970), Lithuanian SSR (Feb. 23, 1966), and Tadzhik SSR (June 26, 1970).

Honored Worker in Sports, established in the Estonian SSR (Oct. 26, 1963).

Honored Worker in the Chemical Industry, established in the Turkmen SSR (May 27, 1968).

Honored Worker in the Food Industry, established in the Turkmen SSR (Oct. 16, 1968).

Honored Worker in the Gas Industry, established in the Uzbek SSR (June 24, 1964) and Turkmen SSR (Aug. 11, 1970).

Honored Worker in the Geological Survey, established in the Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970).

Honored Worker in the Light Industry, established in the Turkmen SSR (June 7, 1968).

Honored Worker in the Petrochemical Industry, established in the Turkmen SSR (May 27, 1968).

Honored Worker in Trade, established in the RSFSR (June 15, 1966), Ukrainian SSR (July 21, 1966), Uzbek SSR (Sept. 27, 1966), Kazakh SSR (Mar. 27, 1970), Georgian SSR (Mar. 17, 1966), Azerbaijan SSR (June 28, 1966), Lithuanian SSR (May 15, 1965), Moldavian SSR (July 19, 1966), Tadzhik SSR (Jan. 29, 1966), and Estonian SSR (June 26, 1965).

Honored Worker in Trade and Consumer Services, established in the Kirghiz SSR (Nov. 30, 1970).
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Old 03-10-2012, 07:08 AM   #4
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Re: Honorary Titles

A very useful list. Many thanks!
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Old 03-10-2012, 09:00 AM   #5
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Re: Honorary Titles

Now all we have to do is add all of these to the forum and our collections...

I have to get one of those honoured carpet makers!

Also rather strange to see that my professions didn't get any "honour". A HSL will do just fine as a replacement thank you!
"Signed with his own rubber stamp"
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Old 03-10-2012, 09:07 AM   #6
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Re: Honorary Titles

Originally Posted by CtahhR View Post
Now all we have to do is add all of these to the forum and our collections...

I have to get one of those honoured carpet makers!

Also rather strange to see that my professions didn't get any "honour". A HSL will do just fine as a replacement thank you!
:) not too sure about the HSL but i would get a few Honoured's from various states
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Old 03-10-2012, 09:14 AM   #7
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Re: Honorary Titles

Some people get all the luck!

Now, I have been thinking about this a bit more and since I was doing something which very frequently required the wearing of a top hat I don't know if that would really "fit" with having a chest full of Soviet awards?

Cogs going round in head.....
"Signed with his own rubber stamp"
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