US WW2 M3 OD Canvas Colt 1911 .45 Tanker Shoulder Holster Marked JT&L For Sale

US WW2 M3 OD Canvas Colt 1911 .45 Tanker Shoulder Holster Marked JT&L
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US WW2 M3 OD Canvas Colt 1911 .45 Tanker Shoulder Holster Marked JT&L:

Powered by Frooition BRING HISTORY TO LIFE SHOP US WW2 M3 OD Canvas Colt 1911 .45 Tanker Shoulder Holster Marked US WW2 M3 OD Canvas Colt 1911 .45 Tanker Shoulder Holster Marked JT&L Item Description

US WW2 M3 Shoulder Holster

Experimental Cotton Webbing version of the classic M3 Tanker holster

Expertly Handcrafted Replica

Thick OD Cotton Webbing

Marked JT&L 

Perfect fit for a USGI M1911 .45 or similar size Semi Auto.

The M1911 is not included in the sale it is there to show the fit. 

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    We're a Michigan based Veteran Owned company. We strive to offer our customers an extensive selection of top-quality reproduction militaria and originals from around the world and several time periods. We travel the world to connect with manufacturers, look for new products, and make sure that the products we offer our customers are the most accurate product possible. Since we work so closely with manufacturers and all of our products are made exclusively for us, you won't find the same quality and price anywhere besides World War Supply ®. We pattern our products directly from originals and each product goes through vigorous stages of development and testing by veterans, museum curators, top experts in military memorabilia, and reenactors. This helps us give you the best product possible for the best price. In addition to our product lines, we offer instructional videos, informational articles, and photo galleries of famous historical sites. World War Supply ® exists to host a passion for the past and to provide products that reflect that passion for generations to managed shipping in the United States. We do not ship internationally.

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