The Soviet Military Awards Page

Soviet Medals

Titles of Distinction
Hero of the Soviet Union
Hero of Socialist Labor
Pilot-Cosmonaut of USSR
Dist. Military Pilot USSR
Dist. Military Navigator USSR
Dist. Test Pilot USSR
Dist. Test Navigator USSR
Distinguished Pilot USSR
Dist. Navigator USSR
Order of Victory
Order of Lenin
Order of October Revolution
Order of the Red Banner
Order of Suvorov
Order of Ushakov
Order of Kutuzov
Order of Nakhimov
Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Order of Alexander Nevsky
Order of the Patriotic War
Order of Red Banner of Labor
Order of Friendship
Order of the Red Star
Order Service to Motherland
Order of the Badge of Honor
Order of Honor
Order of Personal Courage
Order of Glory
Order of Labor Glory
Order of Mother Heroine
Order of Maternal Glory
Medal of Ushakov
Medal of Nakhimov
20th Anniversary Red Army
Partisan of Patriotic War
Rescuing a Drowning Person
Maintaining Public Order
Military Cooperation
Safeguarding Frontiers
Bravery in Fire Fighting
For Bravery
Combat Service
Valiant Labor
Distinguished Labor
Restoration Donbass Mines
Res. Black Metal Enterprises
Development Virgin Lands
Dev. Non-Black Earth Region
Dev. Petro. of W. Siberia
Constr. Baikul-Amur Railroad
50 Years Soviet Militia
Defense of Odessa
Defense of Sevastopol
Defense of Soviet Arctic
Defense of Caucasus
Defense of Kiev
Defense of Leningrad
Defense of Moscow
Defense of Stalingrad
Capture of Vienna
Capture of Budapest
Capture of Koenigsberg
Capture of Berlin
Liberation of Belgrade
Liberation of Prague
Liberation of Warsaw
Victory over Germany
Victory over Japan
Valiant Labor Patriotic War
Distinguished Mil. Service
Armed Forces Veteran USSR
100th Ann. Lenin's Birth
Veteran of Labor
Victory Commem. Medals
Armed Forces Ann. Medals
City Jubilee Medals
Motherhood Medals
Irreproachable Svc. Medals
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Medal for Development of Virgin Lands
Established 20 October 1956. Awarded to collective farmers and state farm workers; machine tractor service and supply stations; construction organizations; and Party, Labor Union and Komsomol workers for outstanding services in the development of virgin and idle lands. Workers were awarded for a minimum of 2 years service, beginning in 1954. More than 350,000 young soviets responded to the call of the Communist Party and relocated to the virgin and idle land areas in Kazakhstan, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region, and northern Caucasus. During the period of 1954-1956, these workers managed to develop approximately 36 million hectares of virgin lands which produced additional yields of grain, despite great difficulties. It is made of brass. Approximately 1,300,000 were issued.
Type 1                                         R2
No further information is available.
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Medal for Development of the Non-Black Earth Region of the USSR
Established 30 September 1977. Awarded to workers and collective farmers for 3 years of distinguished labor in participating in the development of agriculture in the RSFSR ( Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic ) Region of the USSR. This region of the USSR was selected for development into productive farmland by chemical fertilization processes. The goal was to rapidly develop agriculture production. It is made of Brass. Approximately 55,000 were issued.
Type 1                                         R2
No further information is available.
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Medal for the Development of the Petrochemical Complex of Western Siberia
Established 28 July 1978. Awarded for 3 years minimum distinguished labor in the development of mineral resources and the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. Awarded for participation in the areas of gas fields and oilfields discovery; exploration and exploitation; oil and gas extraction and processing; community construction projects; electrical power distribution projects; or any other kind of service beneficial to the plan. It is made of brass. Approximately 38,000 were issued.
Type 1                                         R2
No further information available.
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A-Abundant, readily available, often in wholesale quantities.
C-Common, always available. Occasionally in quantity.
R1-Usually available without a long delay. Difficult to find in quantity.
R2-Scarce to rare, less seldom available.
R3-Rare. Difficult to find.
R4-Very rare. Demand outstrips supply, and specimens, when
available are often eagerly sought.
R5-Extremely rare and seldom available. Collector may have to
search for a few years to locate one.
R6-Of the highest rarity. Very difficult to obtain.
R7-Almost never available. Most collectors will not have a chance to acquire these pieces.
R8-Never been on the market. Almost impossible to obtain.
R*-Not available for collections.
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